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NO SPOILERS - Star Wars 9: Rise of The Cry Babies

Let's get the easy stuff out of the way. As most of you that read my reviews already know, I am a die-hard Star Wars fan. I read the books, I watch the shows, read the comics, watch talk shows about Star Wars. You could say I'm into it a bit. Also, let's get this out of the way: I love (yes current tense) The Last Jedi.

Ok, so now that I've already got you angry and yelling at me for my opinion, let's continue to make you mad. Last night I went to view Star Wars 9: Rise of Skywalker. I came out very...unsure of my feelings. I have never been privy to simultaneously some of the greatest Star Wars I have ever witnessed, and some of the absolute largest pile of garbage that might exist in any medium. Let's start with the positives.

Finally, a "Skywalker Saga" film acknowledged, accepted and embraced many parts of the lore canon created in books, comics and games. Many, many times there was moments that I was giddy with the "Oh my god! I can't believe they included that!" times. It made me genuinely feel vindicated for reading a lot of the other source material available. Finally, I felt like when they (Lucasfilm) said back in 2014 that (paraphrasing), "Everything made from here on out matters. It all connects." Unfortunately, there have only been a select number of times in the recent franchise movie history that this was actually true. The TV shows, comics and books always seem to connect well to the movies and to each other, but the movies tend to act like the rest don't exist. So for that, thank you so much J.J.

The battle scenes we excellently planned out and executed. Very reminiscent to battles within Return of The Jedi or Revenge of the Sith. Could they have been better? Yes. Everything has room for growth and expansion, but overall, well done, to an end. We'll get there.

We have the return to light saber battles! Admittedly, I've been missing the sabre battles in the last two episodically movies. They return with a vengeance, but, like most of the things I will talk about here, they falter. Although we get the fight scenes we've wanted since Episode 7, they are very underwhelming versus what we have become accustomed to with Episodes one through three. Even the Vader versus Luke fight in Return of the Jedi held more weight to me, and here begins the issues with the movie.

To me, this movie had no heart, no soul, and no roots to call its own. This movie seemed to be devised specifically to appease the Last Jedi haters. Time, and time, and time again a scene, character or something pops up and almost literally says, "HI! Remember me? I'm still here! I'm cool! This is what you wanted right?” Wrong. Not all of us just wanted to see Luke. Not all of us wanted the story to be as predictable as it was useless to the overall saga. Things happen in the movie that was telegraphed all the way back in 2015 with The Force Awakens, and not small things. Basically, the movie was telegraphed. There certainly was an "EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS" feel to the movie throughout its entirety. For all the moments that were unique, new, special and awesome, there were easily two moments of "remember this", "oh yeah here's this", "this was obvious, wasn't it? Like you knew we were going here right?", and "yeah, we ran out of ideas along the way".

One of the greatest strengths and weaknesses this film has is reuniting the trio of Rey, Poe and Finn. As awesome as it was to see the three together again (Kinda' for the first time really), it felt extremely forced in most scenes. Finn spends most of the time looking around for Rey like his misplaced car keys, while Poe can't seem to figure out whether he should be in charge or not, and Rey wants to do her own thing, but continually sets herself back to stay with the group. In The Last Jedi, we saw the character arcs of Poe, Finn and Rey go forward; they all grew within the movie to be strong in their own rights. In ROS, They backpedal a bit to reinforce each other, but not stand out individually anymore. I'm sure that will work for some fans, and obviously, this was an attempt to build them up to be similar to the original three (Luke, Leia and Han), but for me, it fell flat usually. It was nice to see that over the years between TLJ and ROS, the trio grew closer together as friends, and that did come across generically.

Let's talk a minute about the uselessness of Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren in this movie. I'm not really sure why either is in it. The Knights of Ren did not do anything I expected them too and had little to do plot-wise. Kylo Ren's arc from TLJ falls flat almost immediately in the movie, and the best part, his character doesn't seem to mind at all. I know if it were me, I would.

This movie also didn't explain why some of the things were happening very well, sometimes not even at all. As an avid fan, that bothers me. I went to see it with my girlfriend who likes Star Wars, but is admittedly a general fan, and even she came out scratching her head about a lot of things.

This movie had so, so much potential and opportunity to reunite the Star Wars fandom, but unfortunately, apparently, the story isn't as important to the Star Wars community as seeing someone move something with the force, or killing someone with a lightsaber. Disney likes to make money. So if that's what the fans say they want to see, far be it from them to not do it. For me though, this movie just fell so far down in so many ways. I haven't been angry about a movie in a long time, and I was last night. Say what you want about TLJ, but it took chances. It was bold. It may not have given you the answers you wanted, but as a film, it didn't need to either.

ROS will undoubtedly do well in the box office, and initially, I'm sure it'll do well with fans. However, I feel like when we look back on it five years from now, people won't remember this movie as a masterpiece, as much as a commercial to see Disney products. I agree that a portion the Star Wars fandom needed some emotional stroking after TLJ, but ROS pets you on the head until it goes into the scalp.

Overall score: 5 out of 10 stars

- Lots of connective tissue to other Star Wars content
- The humour is good, and almost spot-on for a Star Wars movie
- The action scenes are extremely well done
- The score is absolutely amazingly conducted and placed

- Character developments made in TLJ are basically ignored
- There are many, many things done without reasoning
- Many scenes are jarringly cut or spliced together
- Way, way, way too much fan service


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