Coming off of a dismal Phase 4, I had hopes for Ant Man 3. Not many, but I had them. I liked the first two Ant Man movies and I was almost excited to start Phase 5 and get that other garbage off my mind. Oh dear. I wish I had stayed in Phase 4. Photo by The News Fetcher This movie did everything in it's power to force the normal Disney tropes down your throat: The original main character isn't actually the main character of his own movie, he's now and idiot that can't do anything right. The youngest character is somehow a genius and figures out technology that even the great Hank Pym couldn't grasp really. Cassie is an absolute terrible character now. When we saw her briefly in End Game, she was emotional, but stable. Happy to see her father and seemingly fitting into the "normal" family being built with Wasp and Ant Man. In this movie, she needs to fit the Disney archetype of "If you're a female, you need to be better than everyone at everything ...
Just an average guy giving opinions on movies that a regular person can understand. I'm not paid or sponsored for my reviews at all.