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Come Play - Take My Hand....

I'm a Horror freak as most of you know which basically means I ingest as much of the genre as I can. Most of you also know that as much as I love the genre, I believe that most horror movies in the 2000's are just garbage. There are exceptions to the rule of course, but for the most part the people these days making these movies are relying solely on jump scares to frighten their audience and have almost completely neglected a good, creepy story. This is the exception.

Based around a young Autistic boy Oliver, this movie gets into the creepy factor almost immediately. This movie is one of the few newer movies that takes the time needed to build a decent story, to use technology we see everyday in a valid and harmonistic way and that uses tropes that are generally not seen in the genre.

By using a children's story book, this movie taps into some primitive protective consciousness making the events that happen frightening without really trying to. The imagery is generally dark and Erie and for once in a new horror flick, there wasn't a tremendous amount of gore. Gore when it's called for is great, but gore just to have it is sloppy film making. Saw is a great example of a film franchise that fell into the trap of being more about the gore and less and less about the story. 

There were specific shots that, although aren't unique ideas, come off as a unique take which was refreshing to say the least. 

Although very predictable as most horror movies are, the generalist clichés were almost missing, again, a fresh take for a change. Yes, there was jump scares but most were not exactly when you expected them.

The plot was very basic and simplistic, but it worked for the film. I felt that some of the story moved along faster then I would have liked. Like the movie had only 1.5 hours and had to cram everything in, which is kinda a shame. I would have liked to get some more back story on the demon haunting the family. I'd love there to be an accompanying book of lore behind the demon that is only referred to as Larry. 

For a new horror movie, I liked it, and I don't say that about many films now-a-days (OMG I'm so old). Yes, it could have been better, every movie can be better. George Lucas said, "Movies are never finished, they are just abandoned", so with that said, see this any way you are able. I regret having not seen this in the theatres now.

Overall score: 7 out of 10 stars

- Story was well written.
- Well adapted from the short story.
- A fresh take on creepy scenes.

- Missed opportunity on the book or app not actually existing.
- Predictable storyline.
- The story felt rushed at times.


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