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Rampage: Friend or Foe

Being the old man that I am, I grew up playing Rampage in arcades, Commodore 64 and NES. Later on, there was also a few other adaptations like the more popular one from the Nintendo 64. This movie I was kinda' afraid for as not only is it a video game adaption movie, but it's based on a game that doesn't really have a story behind it. For those of you that are not familiar with the game, three creatures, George the ape, Ralph the wolf and Lizzy the lizard, grow to gigantic proportions and destroy city after city. That was basically the premise being Rampage until the Nintendo 64 version where they introduced the creature's backstories and the main villain. The movie seemed based loosely (very) on this version of the game, understandably. I went into the movie expecting a simple blow 'em up, destroy the monster kind of movie, but was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. More and more I found myself thinking about the characters involved, feeling for the anima...

NON-SPOILER Review of Ready Player One: Sleeper Block-buster or Just Sleeping?

Welcome to the Ready Player One NON-SPOILER review. This movie was a hard one for me to critique. It suffers from what I'll call the bi-polar syndrome of movie making. It has extremely great parts and extremely poor parts, or extraordinary weird segments. Before I really get into it, let's get one thing straight. I did NOT read the book, so my review is specifically based on what I saw in the theatre and not what I know about the story. I loved the themes and story of this movie. You will hear from a lot of people that this is a video game movie, and that is incorrect, kinda'. The plotline focuses around a video game, yes, but most of the pop-culture references are from 80's movies. Yes, there are video game references as well, but tons and tons of 80's movie and TV shows show up here. One thing I enjoyed about the movie as a whole is the references all had a purpose; they were not shoe-horned in as I was afraid they would be. From the trailers, you see things ...

Star Wars The Last Jedi SPOILER FILLED Defense of A Few Points

Ah, Star Wars The Last Jedi. To say this movie has caused a divide in the fandom of the Star Wars franchise is easily an understatement. Before I get into my full review here about this movie, I need to get a few things clear and out of the way. These things may save you time, as depending on who you are, you may stop reading right now. 1. The Last Jedi has been out sometime now. As the title says, this is SPOILER FILLED. If you have not seen the movie yet, I advise you see it before reading this blog as many, many key parts of the movie will be given away here and discussed thoroughly. 2. I liked this movie. This means according to the internet that I "Can't be a true Star Wars fan", or that I'm "paid by Disney" for how I feel about it. Trust me, this guy ain't paid by Disney, or Lucas Film, Industrial Light and Magic, or even YouTube as the channel hasn't even had enough views yet to make pennies from Google. I liked the film. I will tell you w...