Welcome to the Ready Player One NON-SPOILER review. This movie was a hard one for me to critique. It suffers from what I'll call the bi-polar syndrome of movie making. It has extremely great parts and extremely poor parts, or extraordinary weird segments. Before I really get into it, let's get one thing straight. I did NOT read the book, so my review is specifically based on what I saw in the theatre and not what I know about the story. I loved the themes and story of this movie. You will hear from a lot of people that this is a video game movie, and that is incorrect, kinda'. The plotline focuses around a video game, yes, but most of the pop-culture references are from 80's movies. Yes, there are video game references as well, but tons and tons of 80's movie and TV shows show up here. One thing I enjoyed about the movie as a whole is the references all had a purpose; they were not shoe-horned in as I was afraid they would be. From the trailers, you see things ...
Just an average guy giving opinions on movies that a regular person can understand. I'm not paid or sponsored for my reviews at all.