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Showing posts from June, 2024

The Bloodline Killer: A Grieving Family and a Killer with No Plan

Okay, let’s dive into The Bloodline Killer . I know, I know—indie horror can be hit or miss, and this one... well, it took a bit of a nosedive. But let’s give it a fair shot. Image by A Storyline Familiar Yet Different The setup for The Bloodline Killer is intriguingly odd. Picture a family dealing with the grief of losing their father to a masked maniac. Sounds like a solid start for a horror movie, right? Here’s the twist: the grieving family isn’t your typical young, scared bunch. The mother is pushing 60, and her sons are in their late 30s. It’s a strange choice that stands out, but not always in a good way. Seeing grown adults act with the kind of irrational fear and poor decision-making you’d expect from teens is… interesting, to say the least. Image by IMDb Killer or Puppy? Hard to Tell The movie tries to introduce its own horror icon, and it fails. Miserably. Our masked killer, Lee, is the cousin of the grieving family. He moves like he’s got two left

The Strangers: Chapter 1 – A Reimagining That Missed the Mark

Let’s get one thing out of the way: I never saw the original Strangers movies. When I heard The Strangers: Chapter 1 wasn’t a continuation or a reboot but a “reimagining,” I was intrigued. A fresh take on a couple being terrorized by masked strangers in the middle of nowhere sounded like my kind of horror flick. I was ready to be on the edge of my seat, gripping my popcorn with every twist and turn. But alas, what I got was a movie that started with promise and quickly dissolved into frustration and disbelief. Image by Quora Setting the Scene First off, the set design and costumes deserve some props. The film nails that creepy, isolated vibe. The cabin and surrounding woods provide the perfect backdrop for a night of terror. The masked strangers give off a distinct "Jason" aura without feeling like outright copycats. Visually, the movie has a lot going for it. Image by Screen Rant The Suspension of Disbelief – or Lack Thereof Now, every horror movie requires a bit of suspen

IF: A Great Concept Drowned in Missed Opportunities

Alright, let’s dive into IF , the latest flick that had all the potential to be a heartwarming tale but ended up stumbling over its own premise. Before we get too far in, I must say, I had hopes. Not high hopes, but hopes. With a unique concept and a cast that included Ryan Reynolds, you’d think this film would be a surefire hit. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. IF introduces us to the world of imaginary friends (IFs) and the impact they have on the people who create them. Sounds intriguing, right? Sadly, what starts as a promising setup quickly turns into a muddled mess. The concept is great, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Image by The Good Let’s start on a positive note: Cailey Fleming , who plays Bea, did a remarkable job with what she was given. Her portrayal of a girl caught between childhood and adulthood was nuanced and believable. She brought a sense of maturity to her role while still managing to capture the innocence of being a kid. It's a shame

The Greatest Showman: A Timeless Tale that Sings to the Heart

Alright, let's clear the air right off the bat. Yes, I know The Greatest Showman isn’t a new release. But come on, who says you can’t review a movie just because it’s been out for a few years? Even "old" movies deserve fresh takes. And sometimes, revisiting a film can offer new insights or appreciation, especially when its themes remain so relevant today. A Song That Still Sings I recently re-watched The Greatest Showman, and wow, it’s still a spectacle worth diving into. This movie, though not fresh off the press, still offers plenty of reason to talk about it. First off, the music. I mean, can we talk about the music? The soundtrack is simply phenomenal. Original songs like “This Is Me” and “The Greatest Show” aren’t just catchy; they’re powerful anthems that linger long after the credits roll. Even if you're not typically a fan of musicals (and trust me, I'm usually not), these tunes have a way of sticking with you. Image by Disney Plus Performances Abundant No

Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini – Just Another TV Movie?

Hey everyone, I recently gave Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini a watch, and let’s be honest, I wasn’t exactly expecting a cinematic masterpiece. This movie, based on a real-life case, dives into the strange disappearance and return of Sherri Papini. With “based on a true story” flashing on screen, I thought, “Alright, here we go again with another TV drama cashing in on some headline-grabbing tale.” Based On Real Life? If you haven’t followed the real-life drama, here’s the gist: In 2016, Sherri Papini went missing while jogging, only to reappear weeks later with an incredible story of being kidnapped and tortured by two women. The film attempts to bring this baffling case to life, starting with Sherri’s disappearance and leading us through the twists and turns of her alleged abduction and eventual return. I never followed this case, but to see it on screen like this, makes it hard to believe that someone would be that terrible at coming up with a believable story. For Sherri'

Inside Out 2: Out of My Mind for Watching or Worth the Emotions?

Alright folks, I recently had the pleasure of seeing “Inside Out 2”. Let’s get this out of the way: I was super pumped for this sequel, but hesitantly optimistic given Disney’s recent track record. How did it fare out? Let’s dive in. Almost There, But Not Quite Mind-Blowing “Inside Out 2” brings back our beloved emotional crew – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear – along with some new faces that shake up Riley’s teenage mind. The gang’s all here, and their banter is just as entertaining as ever. But while the first “Inside Out” was a masterclass in making us feel all the feels, this one doesn’t quite hit the same high notes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a good time. Imagine going to your favorite ice cream shop, ordering the double fudge sundae, but they give you the single scoop instead. It’s still delicious, but you’re left thinking, “This could have been epic.” That’s “Inside Out 2” in a nutshell – satisfying, but you know it had the potential to be something more. Image by St

Sting - Hurt Less Than Expected

Anyone that knows me, knows I'm pretty arachnophobic. Even tiny spiders freak me out. But, in movies, I'm generally intrigued. Arachnophobia is an amazing movie, IMO. I still can't believe they had spider wranglers on set that kinda' told the spiders where to go and what to do to some extent. Crazy! But I digress. When I saw the poster for Sting, in my head I thought "Oh great. Another Itsy Bitsy 'masterpiece'". In case you can't read between the lines, I didn't think too highly of Itsy Bitsy. However, when we watched Sting, I was pleasantly surprised that it was not a throw-away spider movie. There was actual thought and some craftsmanship put into this. No, it's not going to win Oscars, but it was easily better than expected. So here we go, let's talk about Sting. Image by Horror Movie Blog As soon as the movie started, I thought "Oh wow. That's sooooo original. An alien spider..." and I think the creators knew their tro

Stay Up for Late Night With the Devil

I was recommended Late Night With the Devil by a work associate, and didn't think much of it. I'd been meaning to watch it for a while because the premise of a late night talk show in the 70's that could allow the devil into the world sounds like a great time. Boy, do I regret not watching this sooner. TL;DR if you like slow-burn thriller/horror, then this is for you. Image by Medium The story focuses on a talk show host, Jack Delroy, trying to compete with the great Johnny Carsen for late night talk show ratings. In a last-ditch effort, he decides to bring a "possessed girl" on the show during a Halloween episode and all hell breaks loose. Let's start this off by saying this was an independent film. That usually means poor quality or bad special effects, low budget etc. And the low budget is correct. This film was made for around a million dollars and yet some of the special effects used are easily better then anything Hollywood has churned out in the last de